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How to use tableware correctly when eating Western food

Pulished on Apr. 28, 2020

In this world, different countries have different rules. Take eating as an example, there are huge differences between the East and the West. The difference in food is that the East prefers to eat grains mainly, and the West prefers to eat meat. that’s why they have different cutlery .The differences in tableware is that chopsticks and spoons are commonly used in the East, and knives and forks are commonly used in the West.

The differences in tableware also have different tableware cultures. For example, in China, we are very particular about the way of holding chopsticks. For people who don’t know how to use chopsticks, it seems that the fingers are all intertwined, or they are held with force on chopsticks. But in fact, if you learn how to use chopsticks, you can easily pick up food.

Similarly, knives and forks have their own tableware culture. Today we will mainly talk about it. Do you know the correct way to hold Western knives and forks?

How to use tableware correctly when eating Western food

Usually the fork is held in the left hand and the knife in the right hand. Generally, everyone is right-handed and the right hand is more powerful, so it is more convenient and powerful to hold a knife. At the same time, the knife and fork held in the hand are generally between the thumb and middle finger, with the second index finger pressed on it.

How to use tableware correctly when eating Western food

Then the fork is inserted into a small part of the meat to prevent the food from moving. The knife in your right hand can be cut at a certain inclined angle, so remember not to use too much force to avoid the harsh sound of the plate that is cut to the bottom.

If you are eating larger foods, you can use a knife and fork to cut piece by piece, then put down the knife and eat slowly with the fork in your right hand.

How to use tableware correctly when eating Western food

In addition, you can find some relatively high-end Western restaurants, they will put a lot of large and small tableware, let’s get to know their uses. in the picture, you can see there various type of spoons, forks and knives. but each of them have difference in using. like eating dessert, fish, salad, coffee stirring and so on.

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