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Do you know the production process of ceramic cups

Pulished on Sep. 04, 2023

Maybe you only see the exquisite appearance of porcelain, but you can't understand well the hardships behind the workers.

And you don't realize that ceramics are subdivided into 72 different manufacturing processes.

We would like to give you a brief introduction to how the stone and soil are turned into exquisite ceramics.

Porcelain stone, kaolin, quartz stone, mullite, etc. are the best raw materials for firing porcelain. 

For thousands of years, many high-quality ceramics have evolved from this humble porcelain clay. 

The first process of making porcelain is: Practicing clay. 

Practicing clay is to turn the porcelain clay into usable porcelain clay.

Do you know the production process of ceramic cups

The second step is Forming. 

Do you know the production process of ceramic cups

Forming is divided into two types, one is grouting and the other is rolling type. 

Grouting  for ceramic tableware 

Grouting molding, also known as pouring molding, is based on the physical characteristics of porous gypsum molds 

that can absorb water. Ceramic powder is made into a fluid slurry, and then injected into porous molds (mainly plaster molds), 

and the water is absorbed by the mold( After inhalation, a uniform mud layer with a certain thickness is formed, and a green body with 

a certain strength is formed during the dehydration and drying process. This method is called grouting molding.

Do you know the production process of ceramic cups

Roll forming for ceramic tableware 

Roll forming is a new process developed from the rotary blank, that is, the rotary blank forming knife is improved into a rotating rolling forming head. 

When forming, use the rolling head and the model to rotate around their own axes at a certain speed and in the same direction.

 Due to the rotation of the rolling head, the mud in the model is rolled and stretched into a green body.

3rd Step Handle Made.

According to the customized ceramic cup, a sample mold with the same shape and enlarged ratio (heat shrinkage ratio) is engraved, 

and the finished ceramic cup mold is made according to the sample mold.

Do you know the production process of ceramic cups

Do you know the production process of ceramic cups

4th Step is to connect the handle with the cup body.

Do you know the production process of ceramic cups

5th is to adjust and fix the plain. 

Remove the ceramic cup from the mold, use a blade to repair excess mud on the mold line, 

and then use a sponge to clean the ceramic cup until the ceramic cup is smooth and has no prominent mud spots.

Do you know the production process of ceramic cups

6th Step: Drying.

Put the ceramic cup into the drying room to bake, only the dry ceramic cup can cover the glaze when glazed.

Do you know the production process of ceramic cups

7th Step: Painted the glazed color.

The finished porcelain cup is rough and sluggish. The glaze is divided into outer glaze and inner glaze. 

Some ceramic cups are glazed all over, some are glazed partly, some are glazed once, and some are glazed several times. 

After glazed, it is completely different. Smooth and bright.

8th Step: kiln 

The highest temperature of firing is generally around 1300 degrees, and it is generally a high and low-temperature cycle process from

 low temperature to high temperature to low temperature. The millennium kiln fire lasts continuously, and the porcelain embryo,

 which has been finely carved and ground by dozens of tools, is fired at a thousand degrees of high temperature in the kiln, just like an ugly duckling turning into a white swan.

Do you know the production process of ceramic cups

9th QC Checking.

After high-temperature firing, the porcelain embryos in the kiln have become pieces of exquisite porcelain, 

which can't wait to stand out from the opened kiln door. After cooling completely, the quality inspectors screen out the unqualified and defective ceramic cups.

Do you know the production process of ceramic cups

10th Adding  Decal decoration.

If the customer requires decoration, LOGO on the porcelain mug, we will add the customized decal according 

to the specific situation to ensure that the color of the pattern meets the requirements.

Do you know the production process of ceramic cups

11th Decal Firing.

Put the ceramic cup with decals on it into the kiln for secondary baking. The key to decals lies in the temperature. 

The temperature is restricted by the color of the decal paper and the material of the ceramic cup.

 That is to say, different colors require different Baking at high temperatures so that better products can be made. 

The temperature of baking flowers should be just enough to melt the glaze on the ceramic cup. A

t this time, the ceramic colorant on the flower paper will penetrate into the glaze, and wait until the product After cooling down,

 The color and the ceramic cup become one, so that the purpose of the ceramic cup not fading is achieved.

Do you know the production process of ceramic cups

 12th Finished Goods store in a warehouse.

After the finished product with the pattern fired is out of the kiln, the quality inspector checks and packs the box.