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Do you know how to use and clean a ceramic pot?

Pulished on May. 22, 2024

A good ceramic pot always needs the right maintenance method.

If you use a ceramic pot in the wrong way for a long time, even the best pot will be damaged!

Do you know how to use and clean a ceramic pot?

Thus, how to use a ceramic pot and clean it for the first time?

Below are ways that can help you have a better porcelain pot at the first use.

The newly bought ceramic casserole should be used to cook the porridge once. In this way, it can help  make the inner wall smoother and thicker

You are supposed to pour water and rice into the pot and then start cooking the porridge. 

Just wait for porridge to soak into the entire inner wall of the pot. This process needs to last about 20 minutes). 

After it is fully soaked, pour out the porridge and clean the inner wall of the porcelain casserole.

Wipe the pot dry with a rag, then turn the pot upside down to dry naturally.

Do you know how to use and clean a ceramic pot?

It has another problem that needs to be solved. How to clean the ceramic casserole after using it?

You will often encounter the following cleaning problems for ceramic pots. As a professional supplier of ceramic tableware, we give me the below suggestion to solve them

Is the smell after stewing the pot still there? You can soak it in rice water for a while before cleaning it.

Is the pot sticky and can't be cleaned? Don't scrape it hard with steel wool or hard objects. 

Soak it in warm water and wait for the dirt to soften. Use a cleaning tool such as a scouring pad to clean the inner wall.

Is the pot moldy? Add water and white vinegar to the pot, boil it, cool it down, then pour out the water and clean it with a neutral detergent.

Do you know how to use and clean a ceramic pot?

How can the ceramic pot have a long use life?

The following precautions cannot be ignored. Ceramic pots also require daily maintenance.

Do not use metal spatulas when cooking. It is recommended to choose wooden spatulas or silicone spatulas. Do not use hard objects to scrub the pot when washing it. 

It is recommended to choose soft cleaning tools such as scouring pads.

Do not dry-burn the pot, which may crack the pot body. Try not to use high heat when stewing.

Ceramic pots are mostly used for stewing and making soup, and cannot be used for stir-frying or frying.